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山東華燁集團(tuán)創(chuàng)始于2001年,集團(tuán)經(jīng)過10余年的發(fā)展,現(xiàn)已形成不銹鋼產(chǎn)品制造、農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品加工、國際貿(mào)易等多個產(chǎn)業(yè),業(yè)務(wù)遍布全國各地,產(chǎn)品出口世界三十多個國家和地區(qū)。   集團(tuán)以旗下單位山東華燁、鑫銳盛、銘威不銹鋼等公司為主體,建立了不銹鋼冶煉、熱軋(冷軋)不銹鋼帶、不銹鋼管制造基地,可年產(chǎn)各類不銹鋼帶20萬噸、不銹鋼管10萬噸;以青島恒盈食品有限公司為主體建立了農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品加工基地,集農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品收購、加工和銷售為一體。以山東蒙陰華潤進(jìn)出口有限公司、青島海潤興國際貿(mào)易公司等公司為主體,大力開拓海外市場,截至2013年累計完成2億美元進(jìn)出口額,連續(xù)12年被省市縣人民政府授予外經(jīng)貿(mào)先進(jìn)企業(yè)等榮譽(yù)稱號。      集團(tuán)實施名牌產(chǎn)品戰(zhàn)略,十分重視產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量管理、售后服務(wù)及企業(yè)品牌形象建設(shè)工作,擁有鑫歐藝、鑫銳盛、鑫華鈺、FSHSLH等注冊商標(biāo)。公司產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量穩(wěn)定,廣泛用于廚房廚具、建筑裝飾、工業(yè)制造等領(lǐng)域,深受國內(nèi)外客戶信賴。       華燁集團(tuán)充滿生機(jī)活力與發(fā)展機(jī)遇,站在新的歷史起點(diǎn)上,期待與您共創(chuàng)輝煌。 Shandong HuaYe Group was established in 2001,after ten years’ development, HuaYe Group has evolved into a comprehensive enterprise, forming stainless steel products manufacturing, agricultural and sideline products processing, international trade and other industries. Its business is throughout all the world, exporting to more than 30 countries and regions. Our group sets up a stainless steel base with the mainstay of ShanDong HuaYe Stainless Steel ,XinRuiSheng Stainless Steel, and MingWei Stainless Steel ,including stainless steel smelting, hot ( cold ) stainless steel strip and stainless steel pipe manufacturing, with a annual production capacity of various types of stainless steel coil/strip 200000 metric tons and stainless steel pipe 100000 metric tons.Meanwhile, an agricultural and sideline products processing base is founded with the mainstay of QingDao HengYing Foodsstuff Co.,Ltd, covering agricultural acquisition,processing and sales . ShanDong MengYin HuaRun Imp and Exp Co.,Ltd, and QingDao RISINGSUN International Trading Co.,Ltd as the mainstay,HuaYe Group extends its overseas markets actively. Up to 2013, the total volume of import and export has been up to 200000000 US.dollars.Granted foreign trade advanced enterprises by the city and county goverment for 12 consecutive years . Guided by the famous brand strategy,,HuaYe Group attaches importance tp product quality management , after-sales service and the construction work of enterprise brand image,owning a series of registered trademark,such as XinRuiSheng,XinHuaYu, FSHSLH and so on . The quality of our products is stable,which can be widely used for kitchenware, architectural decoration, industrial manufacturing and many other area,enjoyed a high repuation by customers at home and abroad.Huaye Group is full of vitality and development opportunities,standing on a new historical start point , we are looking forward to cooperate with you to creat a brilliant future.


一、不銹鋼制造: 山東華燁不銹鋼制品集團(tuán)有限公司 山東鑫銳盛不銹鋼有限公司 山東銘威不銹鋼制品有限公司 佛山華盛利華不銹鋼有限公司

二、農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品 青島恒盈食品有限公司

三、國際貿(mào)易 山東蒙陰華潤進(jìn)出口有限公司 青島海潤興國際貿(mào)易有限公司 香港天星集團(tuán)有限公司 青島杰地偉業(yè)國際物流有限公司

四、家居部 青島糯客家居用品有限公司


